My Dog was scheduled for dental surgery at this office on 1/4/2016. he will not be having surgery due to he is no longer with us, he passed away on 1/1/16 due to an extremely large mass in his abdominal cavity that was never diagnosed. Stihl had been in several times in your office for intestinal problems and NEVER once was an xray performed. His liver enzymes had always read high and that didn't even raise a red flag with you. His life could have been longer if this was discovered years back. Yes I am upset and do hold Eastwood Vet accountable but My beloved family member is gone and its to late. He wouldn't of survived the surgery that you thought he would, he would of. All I ask is do more preventative test on future dogs, maybe this can be avoided with other loved pets. But unfortunately I won't even get a response from you because in your eyes you have done nothing! wrong. This was e-mailed to the vet also and put on there Facebook site.
Please don't go to this vet, if you do tell them what test you want performed. take charge. I guess I put too much trust in them, considering they are suppose to be the educated ones in this field.
Apple Grove veterinary in Charlotte, MI is an amazing and they found out what was going on with him but it was too late to save him.