Do NOT waste your time with this “counselor”. He frequently cuts you off when you’re talking and makes assumptions of things without letting you explain or go further into detail of things that are bothering you or that you’re trying to tell him. He lets his own personal opinions and life experiences guide him instead of actual therapy techniques. It is very cookie cutter “this is what I do, this is what me and my wife do” and he does not individualize anything. Not everyone leads an 80 year old mans life. He frequently repeats himself with very vague recommendations that are purposely left open ended to be taken with any possible interpretation. He frequently contradicts himself based solely on whether he personally agrees with what’s being said at the time. He relays on you to start and continue the conversation only putting his personal recommendations or personal situations in occasionally. He never lets you get to your point or even fully get to just talk out your problems or issues. No problem or conflict is ever resolved. If he isn’t making wrong assumptions, he likes to say “I can’t help you with that, you have to figure it out for yourself” and ends it there. Does not even try to help guide anything. Do yourself a favor and invest in a REAL psychologist.