Miracle doctor, provided the absolute Tour de Force of curing substance addiction to liquor in 2006 via abstience and now I make ten thousand dollars a year!
The patients in the office were so obviously over-medicated I should have known something was wrong. Some were slack-jawed and barely responsive, others had random arm and leg motions they couldn't control. Dr. Shafa piled the prescriptions on one after the other week after week and could not seem to remember what dose he recommended the last time. When I developed involunary eye movements - twitches - I went to the Emergency Room in the local hospital where they concluded I was on the verge of overdose. One of the meds he gave me was so addictive it required that I go to a detax center for a week to get off of it. I have never before nor since had any problem with drugs or alcohol and here I was in a detox center. I went to Dr. Shafa for anxiety while completing my PhD. He decided I was bipolar. But once I got off the cascade of drugs that Dr.Shafa gave me I was fine and I have continued to be fine for the past seven years. That would never have been the case if I were bipolar.