I'm a bi-racial man. Hispanic - white. I went to couple therapy, trying to save my marriage. My former wife was of pure English extraction. Our therapist, Bonnie Comfort, https://www.linkedin.com/pub/bonnie-comfort/b/b10/864
also had strong Anglo identification. I tried to address the fact that my wife's brother, a life long alcoholic and drug addict would drive with my children when he was under the influence. Ms. Comfort cut me off, stopped me from speaking, before understanding what it was I was trying to address, telling me that she wanted to hear my wife's side of the story. I sat twisting in my chair, silent but deeply upset because she had not let me relate the important information: Her brother drives with my children when he's stoned! I was hesitant in my presentation because I was afraid of my former wife's anger. Whenever an issue was raised, regardless of how legitimate, that she did not want to address my former wife would become very angry and attempt to bully me into silence. Ms. Comfort, saw me twisting, silently in my chair, and verbally attacked me, telling me I was not allowed to speak. I had not attempted to speak but was visibly, silently upset. My wife, laughed and mocked me, telling me that she could not be expected to not laugh at my Hispanic need to gesture. I was being racially denigrated in front of Ms. Comfort and rather than recognize and address this I was attacked and belittled.
Therapists frequently think themselves above bigotry when this is little more than self-deception. The issue that I needed addressed was the danger my children were put in by having my drug addled brother in law, who had, in my presence, described his getting drunk daily, and smoking pot three times a day. The issue was never addressed.
Ms. Comfort and my former wife both struggle with weight and compulsive eating issues. I know this because Ms. Comfort described, to my wife, in my presence, having a closet full of clothes of various sizes because her weight had fluctuated dramatically because of her struggles with eating. In my divorce proceedings Ms. Comfort failed to cite the fact of my former wife's eating disorder, which my wife had projected onto my son, attempting to control his eating because she was unable to control her own. Ms. Comfort had seen my wife, individually, as an "eating disorder specialist" to specifically address this issue. I had to give my permission for this to happen because it could potentially (and obviously did in actuality) prejudice Ms. Comfort against me in couple therapy. Ms. Comfort's level of bias was so high that she felt she understood me without having to comprehend what I had to say. Please re-read that last sentence. Is there anyone in their right mind who believes that my attempt to address my brother in law's addiction, and the danger it placed my children in, as inappropriate? If anything, my problem was a failure to adequately assert my need to protect my children.
Ms. Comfort has written a novel called "Denial".
I have not read the book but have read reviews. She seems to reveal some of the same kind of bias in her fiction as she does in real life. She treated me with a profound lack of basic decency.
by Deeply disappointed
July 22, 2015