College Station Rv Park

College Station Rv Park
College Station Rv Park 3911 F And B Road College Station, TX 77845
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My husband is Active Duty Army and we were tenants of Dorothy Sens for 20 months
starting in August 2009. Below I've written a few factual incidents we experienced
with Dorothy as our landlord during that time. I'm writing this for future
prospective tenants so they can go into any agreement with Dorothy with eyes wide

Dorothy replaced all the locks on our house when we moved in which was great, but
then lost a total of four copies of our house keys over the course of our stay and
claimed keeping track of keys was "the hardest part of being a broker!"
She also lost her copy of our rental contract and then claimed "there is no
contract!" when we inquired about the return of our deposit after giving her over 30
days notice of our move out date, which was in accordance of our contract as well as
the Military Clause that applied. (Our initial contract was for 18 months and I ended
up staying there for 20 months until I decided to move back to our home of record
while my husband finished his tour overseas. We entered into a month to month
agreement, pursuant to the contract, but she was adamant that there was "no

She has a poor grasp dates and order of events. Saying her memory does not serve her
well would be an overly generous statement.

Dorothy consistently gossiped about her other tenants to us therefore we can safely
assume she gossiped *about* us to other tenants.

We discovered our house was infested with roaches shortly after we moved in and her
response was to give us a can of Bengal Tiger Roach Spray and claim that the roaches
were "coming in from outside" since some of the roaches were "large." She adamantly
refused to call in an exterminator.

The heating and AC unit went out repeatedly during our term there, the repairman had
to come out at least 6 times in the 18 months we were there. Once during a cold snap
when the lows were below freezing she refused to call in the repairman for an
emergency call and I had to spend the night sleeping in my camper trailer using the
gas heat to stay warm. This happened a mere 2 weeks after my husband deployed. I'd
called her three times that day starting at 8AM to let her know the house was at 62
degrees, the heater had been running nonstop the night prior and it couldn't heat the
house more than that, plus the compressor outside was making a loud, funny noise.

The next afternoon she did finally call the repairman in, who she'd earlier insisted was"three days out"--but not before we had a big showdown. She didn't

understand why Iwas upset, and said she thought it was fine since the heater was keeping the house at62 degrees and that her "front room wasn't as warm as

she'd like it to be."

Earlier that year during the heat of the summer we returned home at 4:15PM on a
weekday afternoon to a sweltering 86 degree house. We immediately called Dorothy to
report it and she delayed calling the company until after 5PM and didn't call us
back. When we called her again, she told us she didn't want to pay for an emergency
call and said the repairman would come the next day. We spent the night in a local
hotel as the house was uninhabitable.

Should you find yourself in a disagreement with her, expect her to go into a tirade,
yelling about inconsequential things and fudging facts, and not let you get a word in
edgewise. She can and will go on for several minutes doing this (we've clocked her
at 45 minutes before) and will launch back into her tirade and cut you off should you
try to calmly discuss the situation with her.

Also expect her to slooowly drive by your place several times each day and night, and
be prepared to wonder if she goes into your house to snoop around when she sees you
leave the property. (Her house is at the start of the road so she can see who comes
and goes. She's described herself as "nosy" before and bragged, for lack of a better
word, that she could enter our house for any reason at any time without notice.)

We made several improvements to the house while we were there--did some landscaping
work, whitewashed the picket fence, took down two rows of awful, huge wall shelving
in the guest room that lined all four walls, put up a fence around the half acre backyardto enclose it, installed kitchen cabinet knobs and pulls and cleaned

up a bunch oftrash and debris left over from several previous tenants.

We certainly left the house in better condition than we found it and I spent several
hours giving it a professional deep clean upon move out (even though I had to give it
the same professional deep clean upon our move in!), yet here we are 2 months after
having moved out without our $1000 deposit.

Initially she said she'd get our deposit to us in a month and I left my forwarding
address with her after completion of the move out inspection that I'd insisted on.
When we called a little over a month later she said she "needed a few more weeks"
because she was having trouble renting out the downstairs room of the house. (Which
wasn't our problem but I digress.)

We gave her another month and today when we called she said she didn't think she owed
us our deposit back and that "other people" she'd talked to about the situation "agreed" with her. She said she deserved to keep our deposit since she'd let

us get a dog (5 months into our contract) even though she never discussed or charged us for a pet deposit nor wrote up a new contract. She also is adamant

that I did not give her "enough notice" before moving and "left her in a bind." After she yelled at my husband for ten minutes and then let him speak

without her interrupting him for 30 seconds, she abruptly hung up the phone on him.

I figured I'd do the right thing and out the grossly unprofessional tactics employed by this realtor.
I wish someone had given us a heads up before we'd entered into a contract with her.
by Anonymous
June 05, 2011
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