I love that they never cancel their appointments last minute here. I can always count on them to be there for me. They have a very good professional reputation. I know that I'm under the care of an expert. I'm usually somewhat sensitive to the cold, so I was a little worried that their office would be too cold, but it was fine. I was very comfortable the entire time. ... And beyond all that, to the REAL information you need to know: Dr. Binns is a good psychologist that shows some genuine concern for the well being of the child and his educational needs. I do think he's a bit quick to want to up the meds that the child is on to try and deal with something like Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which he is currently trying to control with 60mg of Vyvanse and it's NOT helping. His evaluation and report, did however get my child some help in school and that's what's important.