Kindred Hosp - Central Tampa

Kindred Hosp - Central Tampa
Kindred Hosp - Central Tampa 4801 North Howard Avenue Tampa, FL 33603
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(75 Reviews)
Thank you Kindred Central; definitely a bitter sweet for me.
I am being discharge today home , so happy, grateful for the care, treatment,, friendliness, compassion and excellent medical services from your personnel.
I would like to especially recognize few individuals for their work and for making me feel I was the only patient under their care. Eugene from physical therapy, Jazmine from occupational therapy, Tanby for her encouraging words and patience.
The environmental ladies for keeping my room clean, to all the nurses, techs, physicians, Sandip the Ambassador who visited me every day , to make sure all my concerns were heard , to the case management , Maria the patient representative for chatting with me and assure me everything was going to be okay.
Kindred Central thanks a million, I really had a smooth journey and didn’t want to go home.
by RD
January 07, 2022
Kindred Central Tampa, muchas gracias por sus atenciones, paciencia, cariño y calor humano.
Cuando mi padre ingresó a su hospital , mi familia y yo teniamos muchas inquietudes, dudas y miedo del tratamiento a seguir. Los primeros dias fueron dificiles, especialmente porque tuvimos una mala experiecia en el hospital antes de ser transferido a Kindred Central. Gracias a dios conocimos a Leandra, la enfermera de control de infecciones, a Maria la representante del paciente que intervino e hizo posible que todos directores de cada departments nos explicará en detalle el plan medico a seguir.
Maria, mantuvo una communicacion diaria, estrecha, y precisa durante la estadia de mi padre.Su ayuda fue muy vital durante la recuperacion de mi padre, inclusive cuando le dieron de alta asistiendo a Cori la trabajadora social de mi padre.
Gracias a todos especialmente a Maria, los empleados de limpieza por mantener la habitacion limpia y siempre saludar a mi padre. A los enfermeros y ayudantes de enfermeros por sus excelente servicios, a la administracion por ayudarle a Maria a coordinar una junta medica.
Maria se te aprecia, respeta y se te agradece tu compasion.
Kindred yo te recomiendo.
by Kenia N
January 05, 2022
I visited my cousin while he was hospitalize at Kindred Central, although the visitation was only one person per day ; the administrators were accommodating and flexible to let our family visit our loved one before we left the state. Maria the patient representative was passing by the lobby , the front desk person asked if my cousin could have more than one visitor that day ; his condition was critical and we needed to see him one last time before our departure. Maria introduced herself in the most professional, kind , compassionate way as the patient advocate and granted permission, for us to have a short visit. Thank you Kindred Central; for making each in every patient your first priority and for understanding the importance of reuniting a family in the most critical and crucial moment in our life. We are grateful and we thank you for the level of compassion towards our family.
by Howard S
December 30, 2021
Kindred thank you; for the great medical services provided at your facility. While at Kindred; many days I was sad, anxious about my health recovery and worried of what my immediate future will be. I had so many medical concerns, questions, to the point I was constantly calling my nurse, CNA, anybody that will pass by my room. Everybody , was patient, kind, attentive , professional and willing to listen to the same questions. Leandra my Ambassador visited me every day, to calmed down , re-assured me I was going to be okay, Michelle the nursing supervisor accommodated every single request I had. Maria the patient representative understood how important it was for me to smell good, fresh and clean. Maria brought me shampoo, lotion & body wash to make me feel better about myself. Maria’s level of understanding, compassion, friendliness is admirable. Rose my RN, Carlos RN, both were very nice, always made sure my meds were on time, the cleaning lady Castro for always picking up my trash thank you , Jazmine the occupational therapist for her encouraging words, Marisol the nursing supervisor for always listening and resolving any issue I reported. To all the personnel at Kindred a million thanks for your care. I will definitely recommend your facility to family and friends.
by C O
December 29, 2021
Kindred Central Tampa!!!!
I can't thank you enough for the great care, loving, thoughtful way I had been treated at your facility. When I first came to your facility all my friends, family kept asking me how everything was and how was the medical care. A lovely , friendly , caring and sweet young lady visited me every morning asking the same question. Maria the patient representative always made sure all my needs and questions were addressed.
Well today as she asked once again I can confident respond , Kindred you are the best and everything it's okay !!!
I am thankful and grateful to be a patient in your facility , everybody is overly nice and kind very hard to find now days specifically when we all know we are living in times of crisis due to COVID-19.The cleaning ladies are friendly , respectful and kind, the nurses are excellent, the techs are amazing , the food it's great, the physical therapist & occupational therapist are excellent employees too.Maria knew my birthday is today , brought me balloons and sang the happy birthday song to me, a touchy moment a sign of kindness and compassion what a lady. Kindred Central, you're bless to have an employee like Maria. Lord let this Hospital flourish as they provide the most loving care to their patients. God bless you all and thank for all your work.
by Brown S
December 23, 2021

Primeramente quiero comenzar diciendo que mi familia y yo su hijo estamos eternamente agradecidos por el cuidado, atenciones, cariño y empatía que han tenido para mi Señor Padre durante este proceso el cuál ha sido duro y largo pero su apoyo ha estado ahí siempre desde el primer día . Quiero agradecer personalmente a varios empleados, si me olvido de alguno, mis disculpas, porque han sido muchos los cuales han hecho posible que este proceso haya sido más fácil, quiero comenzar con la enfermeras las cuales se han comunicado con nosotros y tener a cuidado de mi Señor Padre Tatyana, Luciana, Joe y en especial Maria Cruz ; del departamento de Respiratorio quiero hacer mención de la señorita Deaja del departamento de limpieza a la señora Romero por sus atenciones para que la habitación de mi padre se mantenga limpia y en adición a dos personas las cuales han sido vital para que la comunicación entre la parte clínica de mi señor padre y nosotros haya sido posible atreves de video llamadas, al señor Uzziel y a la señora Maria, gracias por cuidar y asegurarse por el bienestar de mi señor padre. A todos muchas gracias la familia González y yo su hijo estamos eternamente agradecido , Dios les Bendiga a todos y Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo.
by Randy G
December 17, 2021
Thank you to your staff for the medical service provided. I would like to mention everybody and I can only remember the cleaning lady Castro,Jasmine the OT tech, Chandra my PT tech, Maria my patient representative for her ecouraging and compasdionate words.
Thank you Kindred Central for saving me and helping me to be once again an independent woman.
I am alive and with my family thanks to you.
To all of you a million thank you ..
by Leslie D
December 13, 2021
Definitely amaze for your excellent medical services.
Thank you , Kindted Central Tampa for making feel I was your first priority.
My wife and are truly thankful and grateful to your staff, specially Jasmine from OT, Aeistly from PT, Jonathan from PT as well, Maria the lovely patient representative for her comforting words every day and for always taking the time to talk to my wife Sherry, to Monserrat for always serving delicious meals , Uzziel the environmental services supervisor for keeping this facility always clean and pristine.
Last but not least to my star RN Yas for always making feel I was his only patient.
What a journey , now I’m ready for my next chapter ; thank you Kindred .
by RV
November 28, 2021

Kindred Central you are best !!!
The staff was excellent and respectful.
I would like to recognize , Jasmine from occupational therapy, Aiestly from physical therapy, Jonathan as well , Monserrat for the amazing food , Uzziel for making sure the hospital is always clean.
To all the nurses , Cori from case management, Maria the patient representative and Umar the C. N. A.
My nurse Yas for his kindness and for treating my like I was his only patient.
I’m definitely amaze and grateful for making me your first priority.
I will highly recommend you !!!
by Vogel R
November 26, 2021
Kindred central you are the best.
Would like to recognize Jamila, Ina, the physical therapy staff, Maria my patient advocate and all the medical employees at your facility. Thank you all for making me your first priority, and always do the right thing. I recommend your gorgeous and clean facility thanks to Uzziel the manager of environmental services.
by Rachel C
November 03, 2021
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