Kindred CentralTampa!!! My siblings and I are thankful for the amazing medical services provided at your facility. The nurses and techs were so helpful , professional, friendly and kind to our mom. I would like to mention a group of staff members that made a huge impact on my mom’s recovery; Chandra the physical therapist, Mayumi the tech, Daimaris for bathing my mom everyday, Saiid for providing clear updates and detail explanations of the medical plan of care , last but not least Maria Miranda mom’s advocate. Maria thank you for everything you did for us, your kindness , compassion , understanding, professionalism and for going above and beyond to address all our concerns. We are thankful and impress with all the staff at Kindred Central and we recommend you.
Estamos muy agradecidos por su bondad, servicios de alta calidad y atenciones. Cuando ingrese al hospital tenia mucho miedo, e insertidumbre de como mi futuro seria en esta localidad. Mis hijos Juan y Grecia me aseguraron despues de visitar sus instalaciones y conocer a Maria Miranda la representante del paciente se dieron cuenta que estaria en buenas manos. La acomodaciones en el hospital fueron buenas, los enfermeros demostraron su dedicacion y profesionalismo. Quiero mencionar a muchas personas, darle las gracias, desafortunadamente no recuerdo todos sus nombres. Quiero reconocer a Chandra de terapia fisica, Michelle the terapia ocupacional, a Daimaris la asistente the enfermera por su dulzura y paciencia, Mayumi, Cori la manejadora de mi caso, Saeed el enfermero que me ayudo mucho el dia que me dieron de alta. Muchas gracias Kindred por tu exelencia. Maria Miranda un millon de gracias por cumplir con tu palabra , por visitarme todos los dias y permitirle a toda mi familia visitarme. Se te quiere y respeta mucho.
Although this hospital is out the way and relatively small compared to the Hospital my uncle was going to be transfer from, I must confess our family was totally impressed with the cleanliness, friendliness from the gentleman at the front desk, and the staff on the hallways while touring the facility. We walked in to Central Kindred , no appointment previously made; the patient advocate Maria was able to take us and showed us the the whole facility. We appreciate your hospitality, the great intentions, but most importantly the professionalism, kindness and attentiveness from your front line. Thank you!!
Almost a year ago my wife was hospitalized at Kindred Central ; everyone was absolutely nice, friendly , caring and professional. The physical therapists were great ; specially Chandra , Jazmine , the director of the respiratory department visited my wife to explained of what to expect after COVID, the nurses treated my wife Lesley with respect , compassion , the cleaning ladies specially Edith was sweet and kind to my wife. We met Maria, the patient advocate who visited my wife every day twice at day to encouraged, made her smile , held her hand as a sign of reassurance. My wife Lesley still communicate with Maria weekly via text , until this day Maria continue cheering her up with the most sweets messages motivating my wife to do better. Kindred Central your facility has chosen the most professional group of individuals proving a loving care. Maria thank you too for your professionalism and for always doing right by the patient ; Lesley and I thank you and appreciate you.
Thank you for a great medical services provided, special thanks to the nurses, nurses assistance, physical therapist , occupational therapist for the encouraging words. The speech therapist was extremely patience and kind to my auntie, last but not least to Maria the patient advocate for accommodating my visitation schedule time, for the updates provided & for contacting me via face time to see my aunt Mary. Kindred Tampa great job, great staff and great values. Once again thanks.
Grateful and thankful for the medical services provided to my dad while at Kindred. We like to keep it short and simple; to all the professionals medical staff at Kindred Central, thank you for the hard work and for trying to give your best to the patients - families. We recommend you.
Kindred Central Tampa ; thank you for allowing more than one person to visit my friend while at your facility. We are grateful we were able to visit Robert & provide support to our friend on this difficult times. Special thanks to Maria the patient advocate for the exceptions and for understanding the importance of reuniting old friends and families. Kindred, I recommend you.
Gracias de todo corazon, a los empledos del departamento de cuiddos intensivos, especialmente a Michael. En los ultimos momentos y los mas dificiles que nuestra familia enfrento hace unos dias con la perdida de mi tio; el nivel de compasion, entendimiento y apoyo para con todos nosotros fue extraordinario. Se les agradece muschisimo a la representante del paciente por permitirnos visitar a toda la familia , estar al lado de nuestro querido familiar hasta el final. Maria tu compasion es admirable ; Kindred Central definitivamente tienen la persona indicada en su hospital para asistir a las famiias y pacientes en situaciones extremas. Maria que Dios te bendiga , una vez mas Kibdred Central gracias por los exelentes servicios medicos.
I had the opportunity to visit my friend; the staff and administrators were accommodating with their visitation guidelines. Although every other facility are so strict with having one visitor per day, my friend, family are so appreciative of your level of compassion and understanding. Chris at the front desk , called the patient representative Maria , very nice, respectful, professional lovely lady who made possible for me to see my best friend. Thank you Kindred Central for creating an inviting environment to family and friends.
Thank you Kindred for your excellent medical services and for making my stay a very good experience. I recommend your facility to family and friends. Special thank you to my patient advocate Maria.