Wow I must say, I am surprised that no one has reviewed this Chiropractor. She along with her staff are truly amazing. I injured my neck and back at work almost a ayear ago and since have slowly started noticing aches in my feet, hands, and knees. My vision has changed and I have developed TMJ. I was tired of other doctors telling me to just stretch and ice. I decided to take matters into my own hands and scheduled an appointment. I was surprised and relieved to hear that all of my symptoms were all due to my neck and back, and that by getting adjusted regularly my symptoms would most likely go away. I was nervous about it at first because it sounded too good to be true, but I am going into my third week of adjustments and I feel AMAZING! My feet, hands, knees, and everything else are getting better!!! I am so happy that I am came to this facility. Dr Bend you and your staff are life savers. Thank You from me and my family.