She was hired by me to do a custody study due to a custody dispute she recommend that the other side get my son ( who is now grown ) but then just a child a man who smoked pot and dropped LSD who had a job but swore he had actually been to Hell whilst on a trip who also was racist and hated gay people but was going to raise my son in the blood of Jesus Christ ( a right nutter ) well my son is grown now and gay to much dismay of his father he also cheated on me while I was pregnant and got the other girl ( he later married,then cheated on as she was dying ) but the other girl had an abortion His name is Steve R and he had held onto the same job at Precision Countertops which is surprisingly good considering his low IQ anyway I after he ( Steve ) got custody I never saw him again for years until he called me when he was 16 and of course Steve filled his head with more lies
Worst Counselor Ever took Child From a Dad who was Straight As Little League Soccer Boy Scouts, Good Church youth Camp, and put him with a Drug addicted Mother after 11 years and a Registers Child Molester step dad, She Refused to Believe Deposition and Prior Court Case Said Molester Ejaculated in Mouth of Infant.Took Bribe From Mothers Parents, Cant Sue me Because it's true. Molester went on to Molest Remember Patricia You Said People change. She could have stuck with the real Professionals opinion who said this man should never be around Kids hope you rot