Mr Callan, My mother lives behind your state farm insurance. In the past two years the property that your agency is on has had rotten trees and they have fallen on my mothers property not one...not two but as of tonight THREE times. YOU told my mother that you would fix her fence the first time. It did not happen. The second time a tree fell on her did not fix it again. My mother ended up having to call HER insurance company and pay out of pocket for the damages done to her fence by your companies unkempt property. She waited two years. My mother sent a letter and reciept of damages to your insurance company and you did not respond. Tonight, while for the first time you decided "hey it may be time to get my trees checked out because they keep falling on this women's property and breaking her fence", it still managed to happen again. I seriously hope you fix her fence. She works too hard and has to many bills to pay to have to worry about paying for damages caused by the neglect of YOUR property. Like a good neighbor??? How about attempting to be a good neighbor to your actually neighbor sir, and rectifying your intability to maintain your trees! Fix my mothers fence please!