Dr Fires is an old fashioned country doctor interest in treating and loving your pet humanly. Vast knowledge, excellent common sense care. We love him; thank you Dr. Fires.
Yesterday I had to put my beloved Pearl down Dr Fires is and was my 1st choice but he was out of the office all day The sad part of this is there is no vet in the city of Amarillo that does what Dr. Fires does No house calls no concerns for the animals or the families that care for them Its all about that god all mighty dollar Shame isn't it On the wonderful flip side of this Dr Fires receptionist was such a kind and caring person about my problem She knew how bad I was hurting and praying that Dr. Fires would call in to check for messages and my dog would travel on on her own God bless this wonderful woman She offered to come and pick me up and my dog and take us to a clinic to ease my dogs pain This is what medicine is all about No thought to money nor time just pure concern for the animal and my self All you vets out there should take example of this Thank you Darla for being who you are By the way my Pearl was taken care of by the Human Socitey
Dr, Fires is wonderful. He cares about how my dog feels and does his best to help him with pain, at the lowest possible price. He is outstanding and I am so glad I found hum!
Dr. Fires comes to our home to do annual health on all our dogs and cats. He has neutered a stray cat in my driveway. Love the convenience his mobile clinic offers. I also use his office in Amarillo when dealing with one problem animal. No complaints and would recommend him to anyone..