Oran Burnett, DPM

Oran Burnett, DPM
7400 Merton Minter St San Antonio, TX 78229
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Consumer Feedback

(2 Reviews)
Was this provider sympathetic to your situation?
Yes, they were sympathetic and caring
Does this provider leave you on hold for a long time when you call?
No, they are really great about answering the phone right away
Did they follow up with you after your appointment?
Does this provider welcome questions?
Absolutely! They are happy to answer all of my questions
Is this provider willing to pursue advice from other providers when necessary?
Absolutely! They aren't arrogant at all and are more than willing to pursue advice when necessary
by Marc Peron xxx.xxx.134.141
December 03, 2012
Did this provider show attention to detail?
Yes, I've never had to worry about them missing any important information
Did this provider ever postpone your appointment?
No, they never postpone my appointment
Was this provider argumentative or easily angered?
No, they were very calm and understanding
Is this provider easy to reach in an emergency?
Somewhat, they eventually called me back
How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
Among the best I have seen
by Anonymous
June 16, 2011
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