Master Therapy Massage Center

Master Therapy Massage Center
Master Therapy Massage Center 5024 Randall Pkwy Wilmington, NC 28403
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I scheduled a massage today with Natallia. I made the appointment through their online service. I found that to be extremely convenient. They even had a same day appointment available! I thought that was wonderful and scheduled my appointment for 8:15 that night. I was searching for a new spa or massage therapist and I thought I had really lucked out. Seemed perfect...hours to accommodate my work schedule, easy scheduling, great rates, seemingly skilled therapist. I scheduled my appointment at around 10:00 this morning and looked forward to it all day.

45 minutes before my 8:15 appointment, I got a voice message from Natallia saying that she could not do my massage because there was a "problem with water in the office." Okay, I was disappointed. But then she said I could call to schedule something NEXT weekend. What?!? Um, no thank you. You've lost this customer. My first impression? Unreliable. Unconcerned about reputation and future clientele.

I'm just thankful I didn't pay for the massage in advance!
by Anonymous
January 28, 2011
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