C C and Company

C C and Company
C C and Company 8605 35th Avenue Northeast Seattle, WA 98115
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Consumer Feedback

(2 Reviews)
4.5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
4 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Recommended

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Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Did this provider rush your appointment?
No, I was able to ask as many questions as I wanted
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Absolutely! It couldn't have been easier!
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.192.65
October 29, 2011

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Instantly access this review and over a million others by logging in or registering as a free member of the Wellness.com community.
Did this provider's staff seem to respect him/her?
Yes, I could tell the staff respected him/her
Were you able to find out the price of your beauty treatment over the phone?
Yes, I called and they gave me their prices
Did this provider ever dismiss your concerns as unimportant?
No, they take every concern of mine seriously
by Anonymous
April 11, 2011
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