When I learned that my ailment could be treated by acupuncture better than traditional medicine, I asked friends and colleagues for recommendations. This practice came up time and time again. As I discovered, it is outstanding. The operation is highly professional and run better than most medical offices. Justine and the other staff are highly trained, fully certified/licensed, highly capable, and truly compassionate healers. Their rates are extremely affordable. Highly highly recommended... don't hesitate to try this form of healing recognized by the WHO to be effective for a long list of common medical conditions.
Not only do my appointments never get canceled last minute, they take time out of their day to send me a reminder so I don't forget. They are extremely reliable and have never canceled on me. I appreciated how considerate and caring they were, when I told them about my fear of needles. They made sure that they were extra careful, and that I was always comfortable. I will absolutely return. I had an amazing experience, and they were by far the best I've ever seen. They are an absolute expert in the field. I would never feel unsafe or apprehensive in their care. I return periodically for follow up visits for joint pain and it helps tremendously.