No stars if I could. Be careful if you use BlueSky, which is owned and managed by Bruce. His son is also involved and desperately needs customer service training. On two occasions, the nurse practitioner at BlueSky entered my mother's room unannounced to take blood tests. We were not told what the blood tests were for and were not provided results/information until asked. The nurse practitioner then ordered prescriptions (for her heart and lungs), again, without letting us know. Once we were informed, we denied the prescriptions until we were able to see a specialist. The nurse also misdiagnosed her as having congestive heart failure and COPD, both of which specialists which we visited shortly after this diagnosis, denied. After calling BlueSky to complain, they released my mother from their care citing that they "would not be micro-managed by their clients." This was stated by Jake, Bruce's son. When health is at stake, senior citizens are not test animals in cages. They are humans with rights to make their own decisions. BlueSky is very close to medical malpractice by not informing their patients of their tests and prescriptions. Patient consent is a key statute item. In light of Tennessee law, medical providers who propose treatment should ensure that patients are provided adequate information. Erring on the side of too much information is better than the alternative. Additionally, providers should ensure that patients who provide consent are competent to do so. Instead of ensuring that patients have proper consent, they would rather release the patients.