As a former patient of Dr. Frank Hart, I can say that he was and remains the best physician I have ever had. Corny, maybe, but Dr. Hart is right out of a Norman Rockwell painting, only Rockwell could not even convey the depth of his compassion. In my experience since, the time he spent helping me through tough times and REALLY listening and advising is unheard of these days. On a hunch (surely a well-informed one), Dr. Hart diagnosed me with a serious genetic issue, which has no known cure, but for timely diagnosis and interventional control. Anyway, ten thumbs up (no I am not genetically predisposed to an over-abundance of thumbs). I recommend him highly, but hurry because he deserves a long delightful retirement and, as far as I can tell, very few doctors will or can take the time and interest in a patient to diagnose a problem without resorting to undue procedures and tests (only to come up with no explanation or a wrong diagnosis). Dr. Frank Hart is a fitting name and he lives up to it. Thank you. I Thank your staff also because they have always maintained your practice by your example, no doubt from profound appreciation of your kindness and exceptional medical care.