1984 he was in practice with Borden and Shnayerson. He was on call when I had to be induce because I was 30 days late. He got angry with me because the inducement was very rapid. What a nutcase he was. Shocked to see he is still practicing. He must be 90. KEEP AWAY
The man is a butcher. He was on duty when my wife was admitted for an emergency ovariectomy. When closing, he didn't care about aligning the tissue, causing a very unsightly vertical scar. When my wife asked him about the scar, his reply was, "Ah, you weren't going to wear a bikini again, anyway." Smug and arrogant. A very nasty individual. If there was a way to rate him with "no stars", I would.
When comparing him to others in their field, I would say he is by far the worst I have ever seen. I will never return. I did not feel safe at all in his care. I definitely had doubts about his qualifications. Avoid this guy. I wouldn't recommend them ever after my experience there. I was very unimpressed with his level of skill.
I was admitted to the hospital ER with an ovarian cyst. Dr. Glick removed the cyst with a vertical scar running from my pubic area to my navel. When he stitched me back together, he didn't line up the tissue causing a bulbous scar. When I'd seen him after the surgery, I expressed concern about it. His condescending answer was, "What are you worried about? You'll never wear a bikini again." A arrogant, inept practitioner who should be allowed near a knife.