This dentist has been reported to the Texas health board. The most up-professional dentist I have been to. She illegaly had me sign papers for me to get the most expensive crown and service after I was gassed and numbed. Then once confronted with the bill she insisted on rip out the porcelain crown she just put in and replacing it with a metal one instead of accepting she was in the wrong and leaving it. I was in so much pain from a cap put on because she messed my root up, that I wasnt able to eat much for a month, causeing me to lose over 15 lds in one month and she refuses to admit that she messed up and says "its out of her hands". Her staff is rued and literally rolled their eyes at me when I complained about continuous pain and wouldnt even look in my mouth to see the problem. The first person who wrote the review had to be a staff member or friend because that does not at all describe any experience I have had with that office. She has caused me stress, weight loss, dental anxiety and to lose work because of the pain!