Hibbert Ritchie L DMD

Hibbert Ritchie L DMD
Hibbert Ritchie L DMD 1100 Southgate Pendleton, OR 97801
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Consumer Feedback

(3 Reviews)
4 star average for Service
4 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
4 star average for Recommended
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.234.181
November 13, 2012
I visited Dr. Hibbert after getting a filling fixed at another dentist. My tooth hurt for more than a week after visiting that dentist. When I went back he told me that I may need a root canal. I cancelled any further appointments with that dentist and went out of town to Pendleton to visit Dr. Hibbert. He and his staff are so friendly, and after my visit my tooth was feeling 100%, no root canal needed. I would strongly recommend Dr. Hibbert to anyone, he is such an awesome guy, and does great work!
by Happy Patient xxx.xxx.216.186
August 02, 2012
Were the restrooms well-stocked at this provider's office?
Yes, they were well-stocked
Have the fillings, crowns, or veneers you've received lasted?
Definitely! They lasted even longer than they were supposed to
Does this provider leave you on hold for a long time when you call?
No, they are really great about answering the phone right away
by Anonymous
June 06, 2011
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