Paul Dondlinger, DO

Paul Dondlinger, DO
Oak Point Clinic 1110 Yankee Doodle Rd Saint Paul, MN 55121
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(3 Reviews)

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He sucks! No personality and seemed put off, didn't seem to really care. He should work for the IRS, no good bedside manner, I dont care how much knowledge you have as a physician, your number 1 priority should be caring or at least act like you do.
by susan
March 18, 2015

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Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
by Anonymous
September 02, 2012
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
by Anonymous
August 13, 2012
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