I personally did alot of research on local orthodontist and went on several consultations. I found Dr. Gittess' office, staff and his approach comforting. Every thing was very up front and straight forward. Out of all of the offices I visited this office gave me confidence that the treatment plan was personally the best for us in the long run.
Although this was not the cheapest quote I received, I started orthodontics with this office for my children. I liked the office from start to finish. I have never had an issue with Dr. Gittess and my children love him and his staff. His results are beautiful.
My consultation at Dr. Gittess' office for my oldest daughter was very enlightening. I did not realize that her upper palate was too narrow for her permanent teeth to grow in properly. Dr. Gittess was very thorough in explaining to me the type of treatment that my daughter needed. I found him to be very pleasant,outgoing and excellent with children. Since my appointment, I have recommended Dr. Gittess highly to family and friends. I'm looking forward to my daughter's treatment time at his office.
Dr. Gittess lied to me in my intial consultation, put braces on me, took my money, THEN told me he wants to pull some of my front teeth. I got suspicious, googled his name and found lots of other very negative reviews about him. I then went and got a 2nd and 3rd opinion and both said I absolutely do not need the tooth pulled and to do so would be a big mistake. The only person it would benefit was Dr. Gittess' wallet.
Based on this experience, I decided it was not in my best interest to continue with Dr. Gittess. I changed doctors and Dr. Gittess continued billing me for services not yet rendered. I refused to pay for services not rendered, so he put me into collections and ruined my credit. I would NEVER recommend this guy and based on the reviews I've seen online, I'm not alone!
In June of 2008, I was in Dr Gittess's office to get a consultation for my 2 preteens. Due to my husband's work hours, I had to bring my toddler along. He is well behaved and was not further than arm's length of me at all times, but he is a curious, squirming 2 year old. In the middle of the consultation, Dr Gittess got up and walked out without saying anything to me, not even excusing himself. His office assistant came back in and asked me to reschedule when I could come back without my toddler. Since that meeting, I have met several other moms who have had similar experiences. I have heard that he does well with older children, but can not handle being around toddlers, so if you have any, leave them at home or try another doctor.
When I posted this on a moms' website, someone from his office replied (over a year after my original post) that I was an uncaring and unresponsive parent and I allowed my child to run around the office, climb, and play with breakable things. Odd seeing as my name was not listed on the mom's site so how could they possibly know who posted it??