I really dislike the premade draft they give you. It lets me know that most of these reviews are cut and paste.
I just moved back to Merritt Island, and chose Dr. Cosgrove as my daughter's pediatritian through Tricare. She just turned 2. I had been moving around a lot before this, and went through doctors and hospitals as needed for shots and check-ups. The waiting room was great. The staff was fantastic, and loved my daughter. They were friendly and talked to her and whatnot.
The problem, however, is the actual doctor, Lisa Cosgrove. She is the worst pediatrician I've ever met. When you go to a doctor's office, especially for a child, you expect to have things explained to you. For example, why I should give my daughter this shot at this time, or why you suggest this diet over that diet. Keeping the parent informed as to why you're suggesting things is the whole reason why we go to actual doctors for professional medical advice, and not Google for stranger's opinions for our children.
When Dr. Cosgrove first came into the room my daughter and I were waiting in, she was already mid-sentence into talking at me, and didn't even stop to say hello, introduce herself, ask who I was, or even stop when my daughter was talking at the same time. Then again, maybe she did, but I didn't hear anything she said for the first two minutes as she was turned away, talking down into paper.
The next 15 minutes was just terrible.
She started by saying that my daughter needed shots and was going to get them today. I told her I wasn't aware that she needed shots, and she stared at me like I was an idiot. 'You came to a doctor's office and didn't know your daughter needed shots?' ...well, I wasn't told on the phone she needed them, because they didn't need my daughter's shot records on the phone. The only way to know she needed shots was for someone to tell me after going over her shot records, or...you know, at her wellness check-up. That's sort of the point of going. Anyway, I asked if we could reschedule the shots, and she agreed while acting frustrated and annoyed. She then did a quick run-through of the names of the shots, and not what they were for or why my daughter needed them. I hope one of the (fantastic) nurses tells me IF I do go back there for her shots.
Next, she started telling me, not suggesting or saying it was the best thing to do or any other approach, just basically ordering me to throw away all my pacifiers. IIRC, she said, "You need to throw them all away. Now. Get rid of them." Her explanation was, "They mess up her teeth, makes them grow outwards." And while I'm glad she gave me an explanation, it doesn't make me less offended by HOW she did it.
Then she fired off questions such as, 'Potty trained?', 'Diet?', 'Concerns?'. I said she wasn't yet potty trained, but had peed in the potty once so far. I was concerned with her overly loose poop and how it was frustrating my daughter when she tried to tell me she had to go, but couldn't make it to the potty before going. She asked if I water the juice down, I said yes, she said just give her Gatorade instead. When I asked why, she said 'It's just sugar water, like juice.' Which doesn't at all tell me anything to do with helping stop her runny poop. How is sugar water going to help when she assumed sugar water was the problem in the first place. I told her I thought she might be lactose intolerant, she said, 'Yep, just give her soy milk. It's good for her anyway.' 'Is she wet when she wakes up?' Most of the time, yes. 'Okay, then she's not ready, it's fine.' That reply absolutely dumbfounded me. Some kids wet the bed until they're 10 but are still potty trained.
The diet thing also confused me. I started explaining her diet and she cut me off and said, 'Fruits, vegetables?' ...I said yes, she eats those... 'Okay, full meals or snacks?' ...she's more of a snacker... 'Okay, that's typical at this age.' ....if all she wanted to know was that, why didn't she just say so... I could have been about to explain that she eats McDonald's burgers and fries every day but as long as she eats a slice of an apple that's all she cares about?
The concerns was met with the same shortness and, imo, rudeness. My daughter gets patches on her skin, and rashes randomly and really bad. Again, she cut me off as I was trying to show her a patch and said, 'Dry patches?' ...yes... 'Yep. Eczema, use lotion.'
The next thing she did was, without explaination, told me to hold my daughter, then yanked her feet towards her, without a word of reassurance to my daughter, pulled down her pants and pull-up and started checking her hips. My daughter has had this done before, but always by someone who smiled and made random chit chat in a nice voice so she didn't get scared by a stranger getting all close and personal. So, obviously, this upset my daughter and she was screaming, 'noooooooo!'.
When the doctor tried to look in her ears, she was a little more gentle. But my daughter was already scared of the woman, and it made the ear and mouth checking difficult. The doctor seemed to be frustrated with my daughter's reluctance to let her grab her face and pry her mouth open... I wonder why...
Anyway, I don't expect the doctor to sit with me and explain to me every detail about everything ever as if reading from a Wiki, but the fact is she was short, rude, and overly rough with my daughter. As she was leaving, she handed me a clinical summary and a paper on normal development for 2 year olds. As I read the summary, I was again annoyed. It said that we discussed all these topics which were not even brought up. Maybe once babies turn into toddlers, information becomes short and discussion ceases between doctor and parent, but I don't even know what part of the stuff on the clinical summary were, and wasn't able to ask because the paper went in my hand and the doctor went out of the room at the same time.
The worst part is, the nurses and overall setting of the office was fantastic, and I had high hopes. I mean, my daughter was still flustered from the doctor, but when a nurse came in to get blood for a lead test, my daughter was all smiles, even if a bit confused when the blood started running, because the nurse met her on her level and talked to her with a smile and eye contact. Fantastic staff, really.
I'm changing my daughter's PCM, and going to the forums for doctor reviews from now on, now that I've seen this 'draft' layout, and how most of the questions are about staff and not the actual doctor.