Nazarian is a violent hatemonger. He claims that medical use is "abuse". He pushes deadly poison. He claimed to have "never heard of" the historical fact that racism caused the war on medicine. I wasn't fooled by his attempts to disguise his racism. I reported him, but was ignored. He knew that he was still getting away with atrocities, so he knew that he could do so again. He got his revenge more than once, including by falsifying a P.E.C. He deserves worse than jail. One star s too many!
The fooling was sent to Governor Malloy:
I'm polite, but nobody has replied to my complaints. That's very rude. Nobody deserves torture. Psychiatry is a crime against humanity. I'm 1 of many victims who has been degraded, prejudged, poisoned, kidnapped, tortured, etc. Psychiatric drugs cause diabetes, pancreatitis, liver & kidney damage, heart attacks, obesity, brain atrophy, depression, psychosis, panic attacks, death, etc. Drug pushing psychiatrists kidnap civilians. Involuntary commitment is kidnapping. That's illegal due to lack of probable cause, but those laws are unenforced. I have PTSD because of psychiatric abuse. The perpetrators won't admit that they traumatized me. They push "anti-psychotics" to cause psychosis, then accuse victims of "psychotic disorders". They're paid well to diagnose anyone, so they ruin our lives for money. They could have done something else to make a living, but they enjoy cruelty because they're sadistic. Victims are told that we're "inferior creatures" who "deserve" to be poisoned, tortured, raped, etc. The pushers rely on racism because that's what caused the war on medicine. They say that "relaxation is paranoia, anxiety, & psychosis" because the tabloids portrayed jazz musicians as violent criminals who "rape white women" by luring them in with "reefer" from Mexico. The pushers prevent their victims from acquiring the most effective and safest medicine, cannabis. John Nazarian got revenge by falsifying a P.E.C. to kidnap me for reporting him. People get raped and tortured by staff in hospitals. Perpetrators get away with it by accusing their victims of "paranoia", "delusions", "psychosis", "lack of insight", etc. John Nazarian and Margaret Pienezak of CMHA belong in jail. Pienezak harassed me and threatened to call the Crisis Response Team. That's bullying, and it caused panic attacks. She also lied under oath, hence perjury. The corrupt judge illegally appointed an involuntary conservator. I've been targeted by supremacists such as Jeff Sheldon, Enrique Tello, John Nazarian, Margaret Pienezak, Joanna Haffner, etc. Even after medical cannabis was re-legalized in CT, the racists continue claiming that the safest medicine causes the problems that it solves. As they push deadly poison, they degrade genuine medicine. If the first medicine caused "paranoia, anxiety, and psychosis" that would mean that everyone has always been "paranoid, anxious, and "psychotic" since prehistory. That has never been the case. Nazarian has attempted to prevent me from acquiring true medicine. These atrocities will continue until action is taken to prevent them. Shut down the hospitals, their counseling centers, the Wheeler Clinic and CMHA. Free ALL political prisoners. ALL people are entitled to the right to not be tortured.
by Kedrick Headtrip
December 26, 2014