Lawrence Paletz, MD

Lawrence Paletz, MD
Downey Urology Medical Group 575 E Hardy St Ste 215 Inglewood, CA 90301
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(2 Reviews)

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Every question I had was answered thoroughly
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Fairly Easy
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by Anonymous
June 26, 2012

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I would never refer any of my family and friends to go here. If I had know how terrible they were I never would have gone. I was treated terribly. I'm absolutely positive that I would have gotten better service anywhere else. I was disappointed that their staff didn't seem to respect them very much. They weren't disrespectful but I could tell they didn't have a very good relationship. Their office was well organized and clean. I could tell they took a lot of time making sure it was presentable. this doc yelled at me and told me that there was nothing wrong with me when he first met me. he yelled that, "i am a water leaks doctor" and, i don't have time for all of your aches and pains! i never want to see him again.
by t c
April 22, 2011
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