I saw Dr. Wolkoff very recently. When I called the office they seemed friendly. I made my appointment, and met with Dr. Wolkoff. He seemed like a nice person. I have had chiropractic treatment for many years, he was ok. I received , heat and stimulation, and a quick adjustment. He told me I needed 24 visits, right from the first meeting. He also was very pushy, and wanted me to see his physical therapist Sam. When I did not agree to see same, he became upset with me. I saw Dr. Wolkoff five times. I was not seeing results with Dr. Wolkoff, and searcehed for anoth Chiropractor. I started seeeing the EOB's in the mail, and realized that he had billed my insurance alot more times than I was there. PLEASE CHECK YOUR EOB'S if you go to this clinic. I would definately not recommend this doctor.