My husband had chest pains, and one kidney and obvious symptoms of kidney disease, we know now. Dr. Gottner also noted it in the medical records, but he did a 7 hour open heart surgery on him anyway without telling him his chances were about nil of recovering from it. My husband was on life support from surgery and for the next 7 months. He had to have a trach, feeding tube that went bad and turned into a fistula, something they don't tell you about, by the way....I decided Ken would not recover 3 weeks into this and wanted to remove him from life support. Dr. Gottner fought me, he brought me before the Hospital Ethics Committee and they bullied me into more life support treatments, that ended up killing him in the long run anyway. It was a mistake from the start. Ken should have been sent home to take his chances with a heart attack. Ken said so himself, he would have rather died from a heart attack then go through those 7 months of Hell. Ken had great insurance, and I believe that was a factor in the decision to put him through the surgery. Not what was best for Ken. They didn't tell him his bad he was before surgery, and they should have. I came out of this with a healthy mistrust of doctors, be very aware...and follow your instincts, and speak up if you think something it wrong. I wish I had, and I also wish I had not let him persuade me, after having no sleep for a week....I was easy to bully under those circumstances. I knew Ken would not recover, and his family knew him best. Dr. Gottner had only seen Ken for 10 minutes the day before surgery. He had never met him before, and had already decided Ken would have the surgery. I should have spoken up because I was sure they would send Ken home, he wasn't in good enough shape for surgery like that. Poor Ken, he really suffered. Think twice and ask question