Marc Iseri, MD

Marc Iseri, MD
Iseri & Assoc 1077 SW 3RD AVE ONTARIO, OR 97914
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Consumer Feedback

(2 Reviews)
4 star average for Service
3.5 star average for Environment
4 star average for Expertise
1.5 star average for Recommended
Did this provider ever take personal phone calls while in the appointment room with you?
No, they've never taken personal calls with me
Did you feel safe in this urologist's care?
No, I was scared
Did this provider seem irritated to be working with you?
No, they were polite
Was this urologist friendly?
Polite Enough
Does this provider remember you and your circumstances at every appointment?
Absolutely not! I constantly have to repeat and re-explain my situation!
by Anonymous
January 22, 2012
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Yes, I always enjoy my appointments
Did this urologist answer all of your questions?
Did this urologist leave you unattended for an extended period of time?
No, I was always attended to
by Anonymous
May 16, 2011
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