If going here for DR GARRETT, I would NEVER recommend it to anyone! INCREDIBLY UNPROFESSIONAL.
I'm already out on Disability for a back injury from being hit by a car. I've also been dealing with kidney stones that refuse to pass for the last 6 months. It was recently discovered that I had a blockage in my kidney, and I was scheduled with Dr Garrett.
He never told me what procedure he would be doing. He scheduled me an appointment at this surgery center, and said that he would decide ON THE DAY OF what procedure he'd be doing. On the day of, he STILL never informed me what procedure he was going to do. I got no information about the procedures, the risks involved, the recovery time, or anything at all. In fact, the only way I found out what they had done to me was by reading the paperwork they gave to my fiance afterward.
When the nurse/anesthesiologist administered the medicine to put me under, he didn't tell me what he was doing or what to expect, which is just SIMPLE BEDSIDE MANNER. He administered it, and I said, "Wow, that was cold!" He looked at me funny, and walked off without a word. Then I got a weird taste in my mouth and felt funny and the room started to spin.
They wouldn't allow my fiance to wait in the back with me. When she had her kidney stones blasted at a different facility, I was allowed to wait with her until they wheeled her into surgery.
When my procedure was done, they told her that I was being wheeled into recovery, and would be awake in an hour. Forty five minutes later, they came to tell her that i had only JUST been wheeled into recovery, and it would be ANOTHER hour.
I had a camera shoved up my urethra, and no stent put in. My urethra is sore and swollen. It feels raw. I had my kidneys sonically blasted on one side, though I also have stones in the other kidney that have been hurting and refusing to pass, but the Dr said that he didn't need to do anything about them for some reason...? I've been having to pass little jagged pieces of stones, and Dr Garrett DIDN'T WANT TO PRESCRIBE ME PAINKILLERS. Everyone in the world knows how much kidney stones hurt, and I've been taking painkillers for almost a month. Although I've been trying to take them sparingly, anyone that has taken them for a while knows that the body becomes accustomed to them, and they quit working well. I had to ASK for painkillers, and he didn't want to prescribe them. I knew that I would need them, and he eventually did it, but in a WEAKER dosage than I had been taking, effectively making them useless.
When they first took me back, my fiance asked ahead of time if she could have my prescription, to go out and fill it while I was having my procedure, so that it would be done before our long drive home. That way, if I was in pain on the way, she would already have it, and wouldn't have to wait forever after we got home to get it. At first, they told her that they wouldn't prescribe it for me until after the procedure. Then they told her that they could have the nurses take the script to the pharmacy down the hall, so that it would be ready to pick up as soon as we were ready to go. She went to doublecheck/remind them of this an hour or two later, and they told her that I wasn't receiving a prescription. In the end, they wheeled me out, with prescription in hand.
We had to drive over an hour and a half home, and when she went to the Rite Aid pharmacy, they REFUSED TO FILL the prescription, because the Dr had signed and dated it in two different inks. The pharmacist said, "The Dr should know better." She told us that they couldn't accept it, and the Dr couldn't call or fax it in, all we could do was drive all the way back down to the office and back with a new one. Ridicuous!!
She took it to two other pharmacies, who didn't give her an issue over the inks, but the pharmacies were OUT of the prescription. The fourth didn't have it filled for 4 hours after she dropped it off. This was what she was trying to avoid.
Dr Garrett wrote me a note for work for one week. As of yesterday, that was a week. I am still experiencing severe pain, to the point where even touching my lower back is intolerable. My Xrays and follow up appointment aren't for 11 more days. I called Dr Garrett to ask for a doctor's note to cover until my follow up appointment. HE REFUSED. I told him the pain that I was experiencing, and he said "You should be fine." WTF? I'm in severe pain, and he hasn't seen me or my films, how can he know what condition I am in? And it's obviously not safe for me to be at work on painkillers. He knows that I am already on Disability for back issues, and that my chiropractor refuses to work on me (or fill out my paperwork) while I have kidney issues, because of liability reasons, and because now, I am not in his care, I'm in my urologist's care (Dr Garrett). I told him about this issue, and he still refused to give me a Dr's note, and instead wrote a clearance to return to work?!?!
by Drew
May 16, 2016