John V Blazina, MD

John V Blazina, MD
8555 16TH ST STE 310 SILVER SPRING, MD 20910
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Consumer Feedback

(6 Reviews)
2 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
1.5 star average for Staff
2 star average for Recommended
I met with Dr. Blazina for a test where they put needles into the muscle and have me
>move. Dr. Blazina was a complete jerk. He didn't explain
>anything except to say that the better I cooperated, the faster this
>would go. He told me that when he put a needle in, I had to follow
>his instructions exactly. He put needles into many places on both
>legs, into my feet, both arms, my back, and my neck – all with no warning. Each time, he
>told me to move in a certain way, but he mumbled his instructions very
>quietly and with his back to me so he was very hard to understand.
>Then he kept criticizing me for not following his instructions
>quickly enough. He said things like, "I guess you're enjoying this so
>much, you want it to last longer." And he "joked" with me: "Oh, you
>enjoyed that one so much I guess I'll do another." He said this when
>my body language clearly said I was in a lot of pain.
>At one point, when he told me I wasn't doing what he wanted, I
>told him he was going to have to talk louder so I could hear him. He
>said he didn't like to yell and he didn't like to be yelled at. I
>was NOT yelling. He knew that I am a lawyer, so he made several
>derogatory "jokes" about lawyers. Things like, "I got some blood with
>that one. You know lawyer's aren't supposed to bleed. You could be
>disbarred for that."
>Later, I sat up on the bed and asked him to stop for a minute. My
>neurologist had told me that many people can't tolerate this test and
>that I should stop it if I couldn't. Despite my asking him to stop, he kept trying to reach over me and stick another needle in. I had to physically stop him from touching me. Then I told him in
>a very polite way that while I appreciated the fact that he
>probably thought he was distracting me, that really his comments were
>just making it harder for me to tolerate the pain. I was trying
>hard not to cry at this point. I also asked him to please stop
>making the lawyer jokes. His response: "Lawyer jokes? I'm not making
>lawyer jokes!" He then told me I was behaving like a child. He
>mostly shut up after that, but when he was finished and left the room,
>he slammed the door. Talk about behaving like a child.
by Sadie
October 11, 2019
Does this provider remember you by name?
No, and they don't make an effort to even try
by Anonymous
June 26, 2013
The first time we saw Dr. Blazina he ordered a series of tests. My husband refused to take one of these tests for good reason, and a very surly staff member proceeded on her own volition to write that he refused all of the other tests. Not true. The doctor himself never explained what tests were called for, and what he hoped to learn from them. He was totally non-communicative, but we excused his behavior on the basis of assuming that he needed more data to respond appropriately. We waited two months for his office to schedule a return visit, and when we did return, the doctor had no recollection of this case. He rummaged through the papers frantically, was extremely disorganized in responding to questions, saying, "I can only do one thing at a time." He was obviously rattled and very defensive. He has an unfortunate speech impediment for a physician: he speaks with machine-gun rapidity, does not enunciating clearly and frequently slurs words. When asked to repeat, he yelled "I just told you." We came away with a total lack of clarity after he repeatedly yelled, "How many times do I have to tell you? I said it three times!" It seemed to us that when a physician has to repeat something three times to a patient who is mentally in tact, 50% of the fault clearly lies with the delivery. This doctor's middle name, we learned, is Vay. In view of his erratic behavior, lack of patient rapport, his indistinct speech pattern and his serious lack of communicating skills, it would seem that a more apt middle name for him would be "Oy Vey!"
by Disappointed
August 20, 2012
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Some were answered
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Not Really
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
No, I felt confused and uneasy when I left
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Fairly Easy
Are you going to visit this provider again?
If I need to, I'll return
by Anonymous
August 09, 2012
I never have such a horrible experience as I have had with this doctor. He would not answer my questions, blabbed the whole time, and spoke about very inappropriate things with a sexual nature. The neurology center is good, but do not go to this doctor. I have never complained about a dr. before but think consumers need warning on him.
by honestreview
September 08, 2011
"Based on my experience,it is my opinion that John Blazina is not a good doctor whatever his former reputation may be. I was sent to him to confirm a very minor condition which has cleared up but now am living with a much more serious condition, apparently related to the tests Blazina perfomed. Too late I heard from other doctors and patients that although Blazina has been considered a top doctor, in the last several years his performance seems to be erratic. When I tried to talk to Dr. Blazina to understand the symptoms that started immediately after the testing he seemed to deny even the possibility that he had made any mistakes or that any problem could result from his actions; he showed no interest in trying to understand the symptoms or help. Perhaps my case in unusual but I would think a good doctor would care about a patient's well being even in unusual cases. "
by rekha
November 05, 2009
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