John A Shutta, MD

John A Shutta, MD
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(1 Review)
1. 06/15/2009
I sent this response to Mitch Stewart, one of President Obama's Directors in charge of Medical Reforms. I believe Doctor Shutta is a prime example of why we need health care reform. When doctor Shutta moaned and agonized about not being paid enough, I was always willing to give a little extra because I thought he was a man of integrity...boy was I wrong.

I recently lost my job. I couldn't afford to pay the doctor $120/visit + $200 for meds. I went to the doctor for blood work so I could continue to get my prescription for high blood pressure. As soon as the visit was final, the receptionist asked me to make another appointment the following week. I told her about my situation and that I could not afford to come back because I didn't have enough monies. I asked her if my medication needed adjusting to have the doctor do it and I will take the prescriptions to the pharmacy. There was really no pressing need to make another appointment at that time (I couldn't come up with the payment they would have billed me anyway after making an appointment).

The office manager sent me a nasty letter saying that I was no longer welcome to get medical care at the Devine Dr. Shutta's office anymore. The reason she gave me was because they could no longer provide me adequate service because I basically fell on hard times. I have the letter to prove it.

I believe doctors are having patients come in to artificially inflate their revenues. Anyway, the doctor sent me a letter saying that since I didn't have insurance that they could no longer service me! It’s not about health its about dollars and cents. I get the same feeling at the doctor's that I get when I go shopping for trivial the cash we'll treat'll cost you more...America needs help now!

by ctruitt
June 15, 2009
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