This is definitely not someone you can trust with your health. If you go to him because you have a runny nose or something, you're not going to notice how incompetent he is. But if you one day become seriously ill, if you need a doctor who knows how to competently do his job, you are really going to regret having Rice as your doctor. You're going to regret that you trusted him. That's what happened to me. I was a basically healthy person, so no matter how incompetent the doctor I was going to was, I wasn't going to notice it. I never thought Rice was an intelligent man--obviously he's not; no one would claim the opposite--but at that point in my life I trusted any doctor, whoever it was, I would've trusted him or her. Then I got sick and I really needed a doctor. Well, I was in a horrible position, because this man, Timothy Rice, was my doctor. . .and he has no idea what he's doing--and this fact, its manifestation, caused serious health problems with which I will live the rest of my life, more serious than that mildly serious health problem which he failed to notice and stupidly tried to treat, misidentifying it, with the wrong drugs. He can handle your runny nose, yes, but so too could your grandmother. What he can not handle, however, is anything serious--not even something merely somewhat serious. He will only make things worse for you. He is a disgrace. He has no integrity. His incompetence destroyed my life.