Elaine Zoberman-Saltiel, MD

Elaine Zoberman-Saltiel, MD
2231 BURDETT AVE STE 110 TROY, NY 12180
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(1 Review)

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Did you have to wait long after you arrived for your appointment?
No, I didn't have to wait very long
Does this provider give unbiased advice?
Absolutely! I always get sound, helpful, and completely unbiased advice!
Did you spend a lot of time in the waiting room at this provider's office?
No, my appointment started at the scheduled time
Does this provider welcome questions?
Absolutely! They are happy to answer all of my questions
Are you confident that this provider will continue working with you until a solution is reached?
Absolutely! I'm confident they will work hard to find the best solution for me
by Amy Gruett xxx.xxx.40.212
January 13, 2013
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