Do not go to Nevada Cardiology Institute unless you want to get jerked around, hard-- especially if you are a woman under 45. The first time I saw Dr. Kalla I waited for over an hour to talk to him for 5 minutes and all he did was schedule me for future tests ($350 for that 5-minutes). One was a nuclear stress test which involves injection of a radioactive isotope, so they require a pregnancy test the day prior if you are a woman under age 45 which I am. That is fine and makes sense, however women should be trusted to know certain things that pertain to ruling out a pregnancy, like whether they've had sex in the last month, when they had their LMP and so on. So in addition to 4 other office visits, I went to Quest for a pregnancy test, as instructed, the day prior to my appointment and lo and behold the results were not in on time. They blame Quest, but they also told me this happened just yesterday to another patient so obviously their system does not work but do they care about the convenience of their patients? Nope. See, I was ON MY PERIOD the day of my test, no ambiguity about it, and they would not take my word for it. They don't trust women to be competent or honest enough to know whether or not they are bleeding! Or had sex! After waiting in their office for two hours, they asked me to try again later that day, and that got cancelled too because still no test result. And I had to fast for four hours before every one of these attempted visits so that sucked too. And Dr. Kalla was on board with all of this. They/he deprived me of a medical test I needed just because I am a woman of child-bearing age. Don't waste your time or money with these people-- highly disorganized, highly unprofessional, and they don't trust grown women.