If you walk in with a prada bag or have teeth that have been professionally cared for since birth, then these people will treat you like royalty.
However, if you couldn’t afford dental care as a youth and you don’t bring brand name clothing, Dr. Aslanian will treat you like garbage. My wife went to get her teeth extracted, and specifically because she is used to being discriminated against, she didn’t bring up the massive amounts of tooth pain she has been enduring.
But that wasn’t enough. The “doctor” all but accused her of having a personal stash because… who knows? Again, my wife never once mentioned painkillers. Again, she did so because she was afraid her socioeconomic history would lead to discrimination against her. And guess what? It did. Because she didn’t “look” the right way.
What we do know is that the patient next door, who my wife could hear, was treated gently and professionally by Aslanian. Yet my wife gets interrogated like a junkie because of her dental history and the clothes she wears.