Craig Warren, O.D.

Craig Warren, O.D.
306 Kirby Road King, NC 27021
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(3 Reviews)

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Did this provider wear an obnoxious cologne?
Not at all, their cologne smelled great
Is this business in a safe neighborhood?
Absolutely, It is the safest neighborhood around
Was the waiting area spacious?
Yes, extremely spacious
Were the waiting room chairs comfortable at this eye care office?
Extremely comfortable; I could have fallen asleep
Did this provider have an entertaining selection of waiting room magazines?
Absolutely! They were very entertaining!
by Anonymous
September 19, 2013
Were you able to relax during your appointment?
Yes, I was completely at ease
by Anonymous
February 29, 2012

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Did this provider's staff seem to respect him/her?
No, it was obvious the staff didn't think he/she was qualified
Was this provider's office too loud?
Not at all, it was very peaceful and quiet
by Anonymous
December 22, 2011
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