There were two reasons why I came to Dr. Anthony Surusco. My first, issue was continuous lower back pain that interfered with all aspects of my life. It got so bad that I was walking with a limp most of the time. My exercise routine was hard to do and my sleep was terrible. I have tried other doctors and chiropractors, but nothing was working. Dr. Surusco did a thorough exam with modern scientific equipment, suggested x-rays, and put me on a treatment plan. We started in June of 2013 and continue today. What a difference! Dr. Surusco was able to do what no other doctor could. I have no pain, no limp, and no headaches. I have great balance during pilates/yoga class now, something I haven’t had in years.
My second issue was high cholesterol which averaged 300 while off medication, triglycerides: 349, HDL: 52, and LDL: 178. Yep pretty bad and that was with diet and exercise. I decided I would go off medication and have Dr. Surusco work supplements into my daily diet for 90 days and retest my numbers. I have to admit I was skeptical. I have tried everything on my own to get off cholesterol medication since I was 30 with no avail and was always put back on medication. Well, let me tell you, was I impressed with Dr. Surusco’s results! Cholesterol: 196, triglycerides: 99, HDL: 69, and LDL: 107. My family practitioner was also impressed and said “no more 3/6 month blood tests to check for liver damage.” She told me to keep up with Dr. Surusco’s program and that she doesn’t need to see me anymore for this. I heard about Dr. Surusco through friends and liked that he was part of “A Creating Wellness Center” which includes the “My Creating Wellness Space” website that has meal and fitness plans designed for my lifestyle. I have been so happy with my results and the excellent staff at Clarendon Chiropractic that my two sons now see Dr. Surusco.