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I put my back out late on a Friday of a 3-day holiday weekend . .and honestly couldn't even walk to get to the restroom. At that time, Dr. Dubrul was NOT my chiropractor, but was the only one to answer my husband's plea for help. He came in on Sunday to treat me and I definitely saw a huge difference. I see him as a life-saver and immediately switched to him for all of my chiropractic care. His staff made sure every single question I had was answered, and are always available if I think of any more questions. They are friendly and welcoming, warm and professional, and make the whole experience that much better.
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I’ve been a chiropractic client for more than 30 years, but I’d always taken the Band-Aid approach ~ I’d go in when something hurt. I hadn’t had an x-ray in many years and had just grown to accept my lower back pain and stiff neck.
The first time Dr. Scott brought his workshop to my office, with the $40 initial exam offer, I resisted, thinking I didn’t really need it. I was under the mistaken notion that what I was doing was maintenance. Wrong! After my partner took advantage of Dr. Scott’s workshop offer through her office and I saw the amazing results, I was sold. I understood that his comprehensive program was the way to get my back and neck to a place where a maintenance program would be all I needed, but for now I was only temporarily relieving a condition that had become chronic. Thank goodness he came back to my office a year later with the same offer!
I can’t begin to thank Dr. Scott for the change! I never have lower back pain and better yet, I can do my share of the chores around the house and our 10 acres on the weekends without crawling back to my computer on Monday morning. After seeing the x-ray of my neck I understood why it was always stiff and apply myself to the simple exercises he suggested to strengthen the muscles so the adjustments would hold.
I love Dr. Scott’s enthusiasm ~ it’s contagious! Not only do I feel better physically after each visit, I’m filled with a sense of well being and lightness of heart. I feel younger and move with much more ease and grace. Someone even commented on it at work, saying how I had such a loose easy stride!
But the real test came just last weekend when I spent 12 hours carrying moderately heavy objects and climbing up and down stairs. Sure, I was dead tired when I finally hit the bed but it was the kind of good tired from hard, pain free labor.
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Before coming to Dr. Dubrul my lower left back and thigh were so inflamed that I could barely function even with 1000 mg of ibuprofen. My neck and shoulder muscles had knots the size of oyster shells and the headaches were demonic.
I used to go in for massages, which helped for a few hours-but the sequences of appointments with Dr. Dubrul are on a whole other level.
Because of Dr. Dubrul’s care I can be an actual human being instead of a quivering mass of inflamed nerves! I get to live a recognizable life! Walk! Sit! Sleep!
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Hi everyone! I am 17 years old and have been dancing for ten years now. I have now been working with Dr. Dubrul for three months and have noticed huge improvements in my posture, comfort level, and my abilities in dance. Since working with Dr. Dubrul, I have become far more flexible not just in my back but in my legs and hips as well. My range of motion in dance when doing things like arabesques, battements, attitudes, and more had increased vastly. Both of my dance teachers have commented on the change. I used to be very tight and inflexible in my lower back, though now I have much longer extensions and am able to perform a wider range of exercises.