Melting Away Chronic Pain - 4 Simple Steps

Discovering Pain Free Living using the “Melt” method

Temporarily Unavailable
By Karl Lawrence on Tuesday, May 26, 2015
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In this week's episode of Your Best Life, Karl interviews international fitness presenter Sue Hitzmann, who has made it her life's mission to conquer pain. Sue is a former hands-on therapist, and during the show explains what the stress reflex is, how to identify pre-pain signals, and steps to breaking the pain cycle.

Main Questions Asked:

  • What is the stress reflex??
  • What do we do to break the pain cycle?

Key Lessons Learned:

  • Many of us are stuck in the fight or flight response and living in fear on a daily basis.
  • We are aware of when it's time to recharge our phones or reboot our laptops, but are less aware of when it is time to reboot ourselves.
  • We are taught that pain is something to push through and is a badge of honor.
  • Will power is limited and not effective over any period of time. The key is conditioning habits to have long term results.

The Stress Reflex

  • A stress reflex is the autopilot of our body that supports, protects, and stabilizes us involuntarily.
  • The nervous system manages stress and repair, which is how the body manages homeostasis.
  • Once your body gets into a state of stress, it can't go back to a balanced state and 'down regulation.'
  • Most of us are so overworked and stressed that it alters the way our body takes in information.

Pre-Pain Signals

  • It is common for us to wait for there to be a problem before we find a solution.
  • The connective tissue system is a fluid based matrix.
  • Daily living causes cellular dehydration, and when this happens, we get symptoms that cause us physical and emotional stress.

Breaking the Pain Cycle

  • To break the pain cycle, you need to change your behaviors.
  • Even if you aren't sure what caused your pain, the origin of most pain issues is the same.
  • Once pain becomes chronic, there is an issue in your connective tissues.

The 4 R's of MELT

  • MELT is light touch therapeutic intervention that gives you time to adapt and ease compression into the tissue in order to restore fascia elasticity.


  • These are assessment techniques and ways for us to learn how to identify where accumulate stress is.
  • Learn whether you are at a baseline or out of balance.
  • When you recognize where the stuck stress is living, you can help to get your autopilot to rebalance.


  • This helps quiet the stress reflex and get the nervous system back on track to establish core control, balance, and identifying where the center of gravity is neurologically.


  • When we have a lot of pain and are stressed, our tissue becomes stiff and loses its ability to morph, adapt, and return to an ideal shape.
  • This leaves your joints susceptible to compression and your muscles susceptible to increase of tension, which can strain tendons, ligaments, and the muscle.


  • This is about releasing the primary spaces of the neck, back, hands, feet, and spine.
  • We must help our nervous system establish balance on a daily basis and not wait for the nervous system to alert us that there is something wrong.

Sue's Tips

  • Sip water frequently daily rather than guzzling it.
  • Sleep in a dark room or use an eye mask.

Thank you for listening!

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Links to Resources Mentioned

The Melt Method
The Melt Method (book)

From Your Best Life Podcast with Karl Lawrence

pain relief Pain podcast Sue Hitzmann stress chronic pain
Does this work for people with fibromyalgia?
Posted 9 years ago by Lois

About Karl Lawrence

Karl Lawrence is the host of Your Best Life on the Radio Network. Check out his work at Read More