I provide help talking through difficult conversations

My Goals
Community Thoughts (1)
Posted by BrettRWilliams
Being a therapist for 20 years I find that most all the couples that come through my doors don't want all that I have to offer. Therapy is a commitment of time, money, and emotion, that most people really don't want. Looking at the bigger picture a therapist understands what a couple needs is to change deep patterns and resolve emotional triggers. \nWhat couples want is to talk through some issue. They don't see the bigger picture, or at best they only see the deeper issues as it relates to their partner. So what they want is to find someone who will direct their communication along.\nThe split between what couples want and what therapists understand as their need, actually prevents people from coming in and working on their relationship. \nMaybe what should happen is that therapists should focus more on what couples want, to get the process moving. And after feeling successful, after getting what they want, then couples may choose to look at the bigger picture and focus on what they need.\n\n\n
People pursuing this goal (1)