Posted by greta m. cocco
For the first time, ever, we have 4 Generations in the workforce. Each & everyone has a different calibration & set of needs when it comes to Healthcare. \n\nWe have the Boomers who are about to Age-out of the workforce,(or would like to, but cannot). \n\nWe have Gen. X who are desperately trying to raise their families (or create a healthy environment for themselves & their partners).\n\nWe have Gen. Y who are contemplating/ beginning their families,or who are exploring their workforce options\n\nAnd we have the "Millenials, Face-Book, My-Space" who are trying to find their niche in life, meaningful relationships, and a place to impact societal reformation.\n\nIt's time to recognize that the dynamic energetic forces that compel us all, are the same. It IS time for a Revolution w/respect to how each & everyone of us engage in "Change": it is time for all of us to do our part & not pass off our aggravations onto any other person, entity, or elected official. \n\nThe millenium has afforded all of us a stake in the outcome: we now need to own it, step up to the proverbial plate, or recluse ourselves & stop complaining. \n\nWith some support & coaching from those who have gone before us, we can meld the challenges facing all 4 generations and collectively contribute to an answer as V. a problem.\n