Dr.larry lefors

My Goals
Community Thoughts (1)
Posted by slogan
I just moved from California, Sold my house and picked Spokane due to the Great schools for my 8 year old! I'm disabeled and have been for a long while . I almost died twice. When I was still in CA. I searched and searched foe a Doctor to take me under thier wing and help me! I'm not a 'drugy' Like I found most of Spokane has a problem with people that have 'REAL' problems! I drove three hours to see Dr. Lefors Why would someone do that you may ask with a city full of them? His office staff where so welcoming! I thought this Doc has to be Really heartwarming or he pays real good! When I got there it wasent a fancy office, it was a humbling clean place. When he came in the room I was so nervouse he instintly put me at ease! I began to talk and he Listen to me! He did not talk at me! he believed in me and my horried story's that are all to true! I do not open up to to many people in this harsh wourld. I'm going to have my husband drive me down again when I need to see him. This Doctor is for real! He made me feel as though he was able to get into my wourld and understand it all and theres a lot there. Thank's to the staff and my new Doc!
People pursuing this goal (1)