Learn to love myself!

My Goals
Community Thoughts (2)
Posted by bubdeb11
I sometimes catch myself wanting to still do for others before I do for myself, what I mean is that I have set project goals for myself with deadlines so that I make sure that I accomplish the goal because before I would say that I was going to do something and I would find myself helping someone else versus doing something for me so that I would always feel that I am still busy, and in the same token stressed or worried that I haven't taken the time to do some of the task that I have set for myself, I think in a way it was a way for me to feel like I was important to someone else because I was able to help them but after doing stuff for people and then being treated like shit not by all of them but enough, I have started to re-evaluate the helping task that I do for others. Last night I did something for myself as well as a neighbor MJ I asked her if she would like to go for ice cream and it was to Coldstone's she had never been, I didn't know that at the time, she really enjoyed it!! Afterward's I asked her if she would like to drive by the beach so we did, A simple ice cream stop turned into a few hours of just pure fun!!! she hadn't seen alot of the development that is happening down by the beach and some of the old homes that she used to live in also some of the beautiful gardens that some of the homes had! She enjoyed it as well as I. It was something that I wanted to do and I thought it would be nice to share. It is amazing sometimes how simple pleasures mean so much to others. It makes me think alot because the age difference is 42 years but it is amazing how much conversation is there and being able to talk to her for hours and it not feel that long at all, it is very nice! She is helping me see things in a different light and helping me to appreciate myself for who I am and she is also helping me when I catch myself wanting to help someone who does not necessarily appreciate what I am doing for them, or is not wanting to help themselves and just wanting someone to do everything for them. Time to declutter more stuff......
Posted by bubdeb11
I am working on improving how I feel about myself. For the first time in a long time I am starting to feel better about who I am. I am decluttering my life and setting goals for myself, and in the process I am rediscovering me.
People pursuing this goal (1)