Animals can contract viral and bacterial illnesses just like humans. But do animals pass these on to their owners? There answer is -it depends. While animal illnesses like -heartworm or kennel cough- can’t be shared with humans, there certainly are conditions that can. Pets can share toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, salmonella, ringworm and rabies with their owners. These conditions range from mild and...
Getting out into nature may be a lot of fun in the summer months, but it’s also the season for ticks. Ticks can carry Lyme disease and other pathogens that may make people and animals sick. Some extra precautions may go a long way toward reducing our risk of tick-borne illness. Here are some tips on how to prevent our risk of getting bit by one of these potentially dangerous insects this summer. Ticks...
Summer is a time for ice cream, warm evenings, fireworks, thunderstorms, and - ticks. Not everything about summer is a bright and sunny vacation. Unfortunately, there are also some dangers to watch out for, one coming in the form of tiny arachnids now spreading an unnerving disease that is affecting more and more people, especially in the east and southeast U.S. Ticks carry all sorts of nasty infections...
Let’s face it, no one likes a tick. For arachnids that have a length of only a few millimeters, ticks are the kind of creatures most people would rather avoid. Stealthy and silent, they can latch onto you without your knowledge, spreading lyme disease and other dangerous illnesses. Researchers think that this year may have an especially high population of ticks in grassy and wooded areas. In addition,...