Comfort eating feels so...well, comfy. For a number of reasons, most of us indulge at some point. And, likewise, for a number of reasons, some of us are powerless against the urge to do so. Now, new evidence may be the breakthrough that helps some of us break free. It turns out that we may crave certain foods the same way we crave socializing with other people. Isolation may convince the brain to encourage...
Geniuses aren’t typically known for their social skills, and few nerds are ever crowned as royalty at the prom. While some among the highly intelligent do manage to make friends, many find themselves spending a large portion of their time alone. The average person might assume pretentiousness and selectness are to blame, but the real reasons are far more down to earth than most people realize. Anxiety...
More people than ever are being affected by quarantines. We’re all at risk, but older populations put themselves in even more danger than most by breaking stay-at-home orders. But bonding time with those youngsters is incredibly important, and we all know that going back is impossible. So what's a dedicated grandparent to do? Until this mess is over, buffer the blow by being the best digital grandparent...
We, humans, tend to be extremely -social- — thriving in a structured society and growing and advancing through our interactions. Most of us, even introverts, feel happier with at least some socializing in our lives. And this mental-health boost is too often ignored or underrated. It’s important that we feed our social needs despite the current isolation of quarantine and social-distancing. We’re more...
Be honest: How many times have you checked Facebook today? If you’re like 51% of -Facebook users-, the answer is “multiple times.” More than 4 out of 10 people also check Snapchat and Instagram several times per day, and the average adult racks up -nearly 2.5 hours- of daily social media time. Dedicating this much time to the online world can make us less productive, and it may even cause issues with...
There’s a club with a primary focus of helping adults of all ages to get fit, stay fit, and age gracefully. With both fitness, friendly competition, and companionship at its center, many swear by this club as their favorite place to spend time. It's for adult swimmers of all ability levels, and it can turn fitness into a regular social event. Interested in getting involved? Here’s everything you need...
When trying to get healthy, most people start with the basics, such as eating better, exercising and getting a full night’s sleep. The problem? Many ignore and even deprioritize the one healthy habit that could transform their lives and improve their well-being: spending time with friends and family. That’s right. Socialization offers -substantial health benefits. An active social life boosts mental...
Elective-sobriety is 2019’s hottest and healthiest trend. But what is it exactly? Basically speaking, elective-sobriety is a movement in which people, even those who don’t have issues with alcohol, elect to stay sober. Many are finding out that the payoff of not drinking is worth the minor changes in their social life. I-n 2019, health is on trend. And perhaps nothing prioritizes healthy living quite...