Tagged as relationships

For many of us, our relationships are the foundation on which our lives rest. They are where we draw our strength and often, where we find our greatest joy. But if they're unhealthy, they can rock our worlds to the core. Healthy relationships can enhance life, while unhealthy ones can upset everything. But how can we tell when ours is healthy? - What Makes a Relationship Healthy? - Trust.- Healthy...
July 21, 2020
Are you looking to boost the romance in your world? A great place to infuse a little starry-eyed wonder is your sex life. Sex isn’t just about feeling good. It’s also about the intimacy and bond two people can share. Some people skip the romance and go straight to sex, without much thought as to what their partner might need. Bringing romance to the bedroom can help increase the bond and make things...
February 27, 2020
Poor sleep quality can affect more than work performance the ability to safely maneuver a car. A lack of good, restful sleep could also interfere with intimate relationships. In fact, it can wreak havoc on that relationship. We've got to learn how to improve our sleep routines so we're less likely to start an argument, more likely to stay in shape, less likely to hold a grudge, and even more likely...
February 5, 2020
Approximately -50 percent of U.S. men and women- say they’ve been the victim of psychological aggression from an intimate partner. A smaller percentage — 35% of women and 28% of men — say they’ve experienced physical violence, sexual assault and/or stalking in their lifetime. While shocking, these statistics only represent the most egregious of offenses. The -signs of toxic relationships- are often...
January 9, 2020
Mothers and daughters have some of the most complex relationships you’ll ever witness. They can be best friends one day and mortal enemies the next - and it isn’t always teenage hormones causing the tension between the two. Many mothers and daughters have tense relationships well into and throughout the daughter's adulthood, teetering like a seesaw until things finally come to a head with a major,...
December 17, 2019
Relationships can be hard for multiple reasons, but one significant culprit is our emotions. While they seem to make life complicated, they are a natural part of communication and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. This leaves us with two choices, either let our emotions interfere with our relationships with those we love or learn how to take control of them. Gregg Henriques, Ph.D., describes emotions,...
November 14, 2019
Romantic relationships always need work, even when there aren't any red flags that something is going wrong. Setting goals can help couples work toward and measure the strength of their connection. For those who need a few ideas to start, it's helpful to begin with an understanding of what makes a relationship healthy. These four signs of a thriving couple are great ambitions to strive for, no matter...
November 11, 2019
When cancer strikes someone close, many of us feel unsure about the best way to approach the person or what to say. They, too, may have a hard time approaching the subject. Offering support without minimizing or judging the person’s experience, allowing them to set the pace and subject matter are great strategies. Be encouraging without belittling and see what can be done to help out with meals or...
September 30, 2019
Like it or not, dating is a game. Play your cards right and you can land a great guy! - Do men seem unattracted to you? Do men hardly ask you out for a second date? - Maybe you ask yourself (as I once did) … - Why do men desire, respect and pursue some women and not others? What is the magic allure that causes a man to prefer a woman over his buddies, fall in love and seriously consider marriage? -...
June 4, 2019
Attitudes may have changed since the days when husbands brought home the bacon and when wives stayed home with the kids. But it turns out deviating from conventional gender roles makes both men and women miserable. Research by Karen Kramer and Sunjin Pak at the University of Illinois- examined data on nearly 1,500 men and 1,800 women and found the more women’s paychecks increased, the more women reported...
May 15, 2019