Tagged as Obesity

If you sleep with the soft, flickering light of television or with the modest glow of a small nightlight illuminating your room, you may be doing your body more harm than you realize. A -new study- has linked weight gain and obesity with sleeping with a light on. According to the study, women who sleep while bathed in artificial light gained, on average, 11 pounds over a five-year period. What’s more,...
July 17, 2019
The statistics are sobering and staggering. Over 95% of all Americans will become overweight or obese within the next two decades. By 2050, one out of every three Americans will have diabetes. This is the first generation of Americans expected to live shorter lives than their parents. How did this happen? That’s what -Fed Up-, a recent documentary narrated by Katie Couric, dares to ask. You can now...
December 14, 2017
If it’s one thing the world of nutrition has unfailingly demonstrated over the past few decades, it’s that the typical Western diet is not working. A - publication - from the - New England Journal of Medicine - reported that 10% of the planet is now considered obese, and according to the CDC, 40% of U.S. adults and nearly 20% of U.S. children are now obese. And because of well established links between...
December 9, 2017
Silly question. Of course you are! But not intentionally of course - it's all because of your food programming. Convenient or not, our brains and every other cell in our body are programmed just like a computer. Taste buds are a great example. Did you know that it takes about 10 contacts with a new taste before the brain registers the new taste as pleasurable? 10 contacts! That's a lot of "YUCKs!"...
October 17, 2007