Ask just about anyone which decade was the absolute best to be a kid, and they’ll likely name their own era. The best music? That usually depends on which songs the person heard the most in their middle-school and teen years. Given a choice between Howdy Doody, Super Friends and Pokémon, which reigns supreme? You guessed it: The answer likely depends on which era was yours. And this says something...
Everyone’s brain gets a bit dim with age; it’s part of the normal aging process. However, forgetfulness can also be a sign that -something more serious- is at play, such as dementia, hypothyroidism, medication interactions, brain tumor, trauma or another disease. If an illness is to blame, quick intervention is vital. Therefore, it’s important to recognize the difference between normal forgetfulness...
Have you ever seen someone in a conversation who couldn't recall the name of a person they knew really well? Or witness someone come into a room and then forget why they entered? Many people have occassional “senior moments,” but that's not always a sign that they are getting old - memory lapses can appear at - any - age. Even though this is a phenomenon that usually occurs in older people, it doesn’t...
Americans spend an average of - 16 minutes reading - each day. While women read slightly more than men, they still spend less than 20 minutes a day curled up with a good book. Americans now spend less time reading than ever before, which means they’re missing out on the benefits and depriving their brain of much needed "exercise." - A recent study - shows that reading can improve your brain function...
Physical fitness and exercise improve cognitive performance — that is, processing, attention and memory — regardless of age, says a -new study. It's believed that physical activity causes actual physiological change within the brain, which, in turn, improves cognitive ability. While many of us believe the reasons to get active include longer lives, better function, and healthier retirements, this is...
It might seem like a bizarre connection, but a common mouth germ could be responsible for more than just bad breath. It may be one more puzzle piece in understanding why and how Alzheimer’s disease forms. The bacteria that causes bad breath and gingivitis, the same mouth germ that can cause endocarditis if it travels to the heart, may now be implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have shown the...
Many people claim tea enhances the brain’s performance and keeps this essential organ healthy. These claims were once considered anecdotal, but recent research reveals that tea may actually have positive benefits on the brain. Whether you want to fend off dementia or boost your mood, a warm cup of tea may be just what's needed. Tea warms you up on a chilly day, but it may also be a mood booster and...
Why do some memories stick with us vividly throughout our lives, while others quickly obscure or fade away? Memories fall into that fuzzy realm between reality and imagination. As concrete as they may seem, all memories are mere impressions of larger pictures that can become skewed and even erased over time. The science behind it might look complicated, but the basic ideas behind how we form and use...
When was the last time you had a family game night or enjoyed a friendly match of chess or checkers with a close friend or significant other? It can be fun to pull out a board game and get competitive every once in a while, and it might even be good for you. It turns out, board games might offer far more than entertainment. Play is essential to our wellbeing, and board games can fill that need. They...
Do you frequently forget where you put your keys? Do you remember people’s faces but have a hard time remembering their names? Do you often walk into a room and forget why? Rejoice! It might make you smarter and more efficient! - Most of us associate the ability to remember facts, names or details with intelligence. Remembering things can come in handy in school or in the workplace. However, researchers...