There’s nothing more sneaky than a food product that’s marketed as “healthy” but is actually far from nutritious. Every year, the food industry launches over 250,000 new products for our grocery shelves. While 85-95% of those products fail, there’s something fishy about all these new products, especially those marketed as “good for you.” - Unfortunately, a majority of the packaged products you see...
You would be hard pressed to find a person who is not aware of the dangers of too much sugar. Warnings are given pretty much anywhere you turn and yet, Americans on average consume 153 grams of sugar a day. That is the equivalent of 6 chocolate bars, or more than a quarter pounder made completely out of sugar. That places the U.S. among the world’s top consumers of sugar, at approximately 123 pounds...
Gut health relies on thriving colonies of good bacteria called probiotics. These colonies, in turn, rely on -prebiotics-, which are compounds that the good bacteria feed on. In essence, prebiotics are the difference between a so-so presence of friendly bacteria and a thriving one. We need them for good gut health. Not all foods are great sources of prebiotics, though. Comprised of dietary fiber, prebiotics...
It seems like even the fittest people around are trying to find ways to combat belly fat. Even people who sport washboard abs are in a never-ending battle with potential flab, and if they miss a beat in the kitchen, they soon start to see how vulnerable they are to belly fat. So, take heart, mortals. Everyone needs to mind their middle. Of course, the reasons for eliminating belly fat include fitting...
Ever wish you could put the kibosh on food cravings? Feel like they run away with your plans for healthy living? We do. And it may help you to know that we're not alone. Millions upon millions of people struggle with food cravings every day. And for many of us, they sideline our plans and better intentions for ourselves. Let's look at how to tackle them. Understanding Food Cravings - Each of us may...
Many people flock to coffee shops to grab a steaming hot cup of their favorite coffee. While coffee has some benefits, it can also provide loads upon loads of too much caffeine, weird chemicals, and worst of all, bad breath and stained teeth! Tea is much more customizable and beneficial. What are the perks of being a tea drinker? - Antioxidant Benefits - While coffee has antioxidants, tea is a richer...
Love them or hate them, it sure does seem like mushrooms are a polarizing food. For those who love to eat them, there are many benefits to making them a regular part of a well-balanced diet. Even though they're technically a fungus, mushrooms count toward daily vegetable intake recommendations, so add them to a stir fry or chop them up and drop them in a soup to reap their benefits regularly. Mushrooms...
Bigger isn’t always better. Americans are heavier today than they were just 2 decades ago. The average American man weighs about 196 pounds (approximately 15 pounds heavier than 20 years ago) and the average woman weighs about 168 pounds (approximately 16 pounds heavier than 20 years ago). Even our children are heavier! The average 11-year-old boy is 13 pounds heavier than boys were 20 years ago and...
Joel Fuhrman, M.D., is a family physician, the author of five New York Times best-selling books, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing and the founder of the -Eat to Live Retreat- in San Diego, CA. He is a specialist in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. Through his retreat, books, television appearances, and popular lecture series, Dr. Fuhrman...
Without question, one of the biggest battles everyone is fighting today is the "Battle of the Bulge" - no, not the German offensive against the Allies in December of 1944 but, rather, the fight to keep excessive fat from our bodies. This battle isn't just about "looking good" but, more importantly, about staying healthy. Being overweight is, after all, a precursor or marker for the most lethal diseases...